Spectacled Bear Conservation Society

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Spectacled Bear Conservation Society

Spectacled Bear Conservation Socierty (SBC) support artisans who make adorable felted animals. SBC works to ensure the conservation of the Spectacled bear in the dry forest habitat of northern Peru through scientific research and education, while working collaboratively with private land owners and rural communities to improve their social and economic well being through community outreach.

Feltis are 100% wool, dry needle-felted ornaments modelled after charismatic animals that are handmade by women from rural and Indigenous communities in northern Peru. SBC's Felti artisans become empowered by earning a sustainable income that helps them care for their families. Proceeds support SBC's conservation programs that protect spectacled bears and their habitat in northern Peru.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sbcsocietyperu/
